Enhanced Phosphorus Pollutant Removal for Stormwater Runoff
The national network of Convergent Water Technologies’ Value Added Resellers introduces PhosphoReduc Media (PRM); a unique phosphorus pollutant removal technology for stormwater runoff.
PhosphoReduc Media (PRM) is an exceptional, sustainable green product that transforms an industrial waste stream into cutting edge clean water technology used to enhance phosphorus (P) reduction. Convergent is developing internally and in conjunction with other manufacturers, a series of products designed and used to remove phosphorus from stormwater runoff, including “green” and “gray” infrastructure systems.
Phosphorus pollution in urban stormwater runoff negatively impacts the environment and is a major contributor to water quality impairment. As new stormwater regulations push MS4’s toward more strict TMDL compliance, removal of critical pollutants such as phosphorus will become a more important component of watershed planning.
PRM has a long treatment lifespan, handles a wide diversity of P concentrations and efficiently reduces P from various flow rates, with minimal land requirements and is easily combined with existing drainage and treatment systems. Unlike many materials, PRM does not leach heavy metals or other harmful elements.
PRM has the highest phosphorus retention capacity compared to other materials which have been used in commercial products and has the benefit of naturally rejuvenating its P retention capacity during dry cycles, prolonging life expectancy and increasing cost efficiency. Ideal for stormwater applications, PRM has a wide variety of implementation options, including as an add-on element for Convergent’s FocalPoint™ High Performance Biofiltration Systems. It will also be offered an enhancement for traditional bioretention systems, as a storage aggregate under advanced permeable pavement systems, and as a media for in-line pipe-based systems for retrofit or new construction, among others.
In addition to providing a sustainable solution to P pollution, PRM can be recycled at its end of life as a pollutant removal tool, to be used as a phosphorus-rich soil amendment for acid mine reclamation, forestry, horticulture and landscaping. Phosphorus harvesting, recycling and re-use is becoming particularly important given increasing concern over the world decline in P reserves and its potential impacts on food prices and food security.
With an exclusive license to stormwater applications for this recyclable phosphorus filtration media, Convergent Water Technologies is expanding its line of sustainable solutions for improving the performance of products designed and used to remove pollutants from stormwater runoff.
PhosphoReduc, LLC, CEO, and technology co-inventor, Dr. Aleksandra Drizo, is one of 3 world pioneers who established the research field on phosphorus removal by an industrial by-product material and is recognized worldwide as a leader in innovative phosphorus removal technologies.
For the past 20 years, Dr. Drizo’s research and expertise has been in sustainable water resources management, research, development, implementation and assessment of innovative technologies for water pollution treatment, prevention and control.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]