[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Convergent President, Robert Adair, will be participating in two technical sessions at IECA 2014 Environmental Connection.
Expert Forum: Barriers to Implementation of LID: Issues and Solutions
While Low Impact Development is gaining acceptance in many areas, there is still a lot of resistance to it? What are the issues which cause this resistance? Are they technical or policy based? How can policy issues be resolved to implement LID? How do you address technical issues, like tight soils, high groundwater, excessively well drained soils? This panel brings national LID experts together to answer these and other questions.
Issues of Innovation in Stormwater and Low Impact Design
Stormwater issues are on the rise across the country, yet many solutions proposed today are not inherently different than those used in the past. Rather than fighting tomorrow’s battle with yesterday’s technology, it is time for innovation to be injected into the sector through new technical and public outreach approaches, technologies, financing and programmatic paradigms. This half-day session sponsored by the Water Environment Federation’s Stormwater Program will present non-standard ways to promote non-standard stormwater practices and approaches, such as Low Impact Development and Green Infrastructure, through a variety of avenues including grass roots engagement, alternative funding/financing frameworks, and on-the-ground techniques and emerging technologies that may help to change the landscape in stormwater in the future. This session will challenge the standard way we manage stormwater runoff on a variety of fronts[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]